
Inner Calm Buddha Vol 3 : Soothing Your Heart Space


I believe that there are spiritual methods to unload pain from our hearts. This is why becoming self-aware is important. I believe that we came here to experience life as it is, not selfishly how we want it to be. We all must experience the positive and negative, the problem happens when we deny the bad as if we are so special. We are also able to heal and detach from past experiences when we allow ourselves to grow inwardly. Negative experiences happen to help us mature.

Our personal beliefs about ourselves affect our mood and feelings. So I had to ask myself what beliefs do I have that are causing me to stay insecure, angry, or depressed? If I change my perception of myself then my feelings about my potential would change. Maybe everything is not all bad, it's how I choose to see it, this is why I stopped being so hard on myself. We did not come here to be perfect, we came here to evolve during this temporary life.