This knowledge is not complicated; it is simple and is complimentary to life in the world, to society. Normally people oppose it because they think doing anything for one’s inner growth means stopping the outer activities completely. It is often taught as renunciation - that you renounce the whole world, then you can do some practice for inner growth. But that is not so. We need to have a balance of both - in outer activity, the worldly life, and our inner growth.” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. “Living the Mystery of life” is a collection of short talks, and question and answer sessions giving profound insights into the challenges we face in daily life. Gurudev’s guidance is delivered with simplicity and humour – an unbeatable combination that touches the hearts and lives of people all over the world.
Through The Eyes Of The Master
Sri Sri Ravishankar
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookIndia in Action
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookPunarnava - New Again
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookSri Sri As I Know Him
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookContradictions In Bhagavad Gita
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookAyurveda and Breath
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookShiva The Enternal Joy
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookAyurveda and Breath
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookKatopanishad Part 1
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookThe Space Within
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookQuestion Basket
Sri Sri Ravishankar