


Why is it that so many companies accept mediocre hiring results as the norm? The answer is simple. It doesnt occur to them that, in fact, there is a process that virtually guarantees hiring the right person every time. To repeat: there is a process that virtually guarantees hiring the right person every time. Thats what this book Mission Critical Hiring - is about. During the authors 20 years of consulting with top companies on hiring best practices, he has carefully tracked the successes and the failures resulting from hires, compiling a structured hiring process comprised of the most effective hiring techniques. Mission Critical Hiring (MCH) is the culmination of these best practices. By offering a systematic and sane approach to hiring MCH places mission at the heart of decisions and actions. Broken down into two parts: ¡ On a process level, it takes the reader step-by-step through the lifecycle of hiring, from developing a job description, through inte

Narrator: Kaleo Griffith
