
Melanie Robbins Decoded


Melanie Robbins Decoded

Author and motivational speaker

Learn about themes like:

Celebrate yourself

The most important truths in life

Deciding who you want to be

Life transformation

You will also learn the following:

How to follow your passions, progress in the face of mistakes and just be yourself.

Discover why life never gives you what you want but what you need, and how to take advantage of it.

Pick yourself up, chase your dreams and enjoy a stress-free life.

You will discover his answers to all of these questions:


Why are we unhappy?

How to change your life?

How to be in the present moment?

Why adopt celebration habits?

Why it’s important to celebrate yourself?

How to look for things that energize you?

Can someone else push you towards your dreams?

When is the perfect time to start chasing your dreams?

Emotional development

How to take advantage of your jealousy?

What does it really mean to love someone?

How to get through hard times?

How to pick yourself up when you’re feeling down?

Tools for personal development

How to move on?

Why stop being hard on yourself?

How to beat fear?

How to stop overthinking?

How to relieve anxiety and stress in the morning?

Why keep a journal?

How to fix what needs to be fixed?

How to keep progressing even when you make mistakes?

Do you have to choose one single passion?

Human interaction and relationships

How to stop people from disrespecting you?

Why people won’t support you when you want to change?

How to know if you should end a relationship?

The meaning of life

What are the most important truths in life?

How to know if you want to change your life?

How to decide who you’re going to be today?

Why life will never give you what you want?

What are the three major truths about life?

So, get started right now.

Decode Melanie Robbins and level up!