
More Pages from a Journal


William Hale White's 'More Pages from a Journal' is a compelling collection of entries that provide a rare glimpse into the personal thoughts and experiences of the author. Written in a diary-style format, the book captures White's introspective musings on a wide range of topics, from philosophy and literature to everyday observations. The prose is rich in detail and reflective in nature, showcasing White's keen intellect and emotional depth. Set in the Victorian era, the book offers valuable insights into the cultural and social milieu of the time, making it a valuable resource for scholars of literature and history alike. William Hale White, also known by his pseudonym Mark Rutherford, was a prolific writer and editor with a keen interest in religious and philosophical matters. His experiences as a Dissenter and his struggles with faith informed much of his work, including 'More Pages from a Journal'. White's unique perspective and thoughtful approach to writing continue to captivate readers to this day. I highly recommend 'More Pages from a Journal' to readers interested in Victorian literature, philosophical reflections, and intimate personal narratives. White's eloquent prose and profound insights make this book a worthwhile read for anyone seeking intellectual stimulation and emotional depth in their reading material.