When the sheepish Wuhses are taken advantage of by the overbearing Pervects, Skeeve teams up with Zol Icty—self-help expert and bestselling author of Imps Are from Imper, Deveels Are from Deva—on a mythion in personal empowerment.
Myth-Told Tales
Jody Lynn Nye, Robert Asprin
audiobookMyth-Nomers and Im-Pervections
Robert Asprin
audiobookSomething M.Y.T.H. Inc.
Robert Asprin
audiobookAnother Fine Myth
Robert Asprin
Jody Lynn Nye, Robert Asprin
audiobookMyth-Taken Identity
Robert Asprin, Jody Lynn Nye
audiobookSweet Myth-Tery of Life
Robert Asprin
audiobookM.Y.T.H. Inc. Link
Robert Asprin
audiobookM.Y.T.H. Inc. in Action
Robert Asprin
audiobookMyth Conceptions
Robert Asprin
audiobookMyth Directions
Robert Asprin