
Pysy luonani - eroottinen novelli

audiobook & e-book

Anna ei ollut koskaan uskonut rakkauteen ensi silmäyksellä ennen kuin tapasi Martinin. Hetkessä Martin on oppinut tuntemaan Annan kehon, tunteet ja haaveet paremmin kuin Anna itse. Silti edes mitä himokkain ja intensiivisin suhde ei ole vailla ongelmia. Rakkaussuhteet ovat monimutkaisia, erittäin monimutkaisia.

"Pysy luonani" on eroottinen novelli rakkaudesta – ja halusta – ensi silmäyksellä. Niin voimakkaista himoista, että niistä on mahdotonta pyristellä eroon. Kaipuusta, joka ylittää kaiken muun.

Nicole Löv on ruotsalainen kirjailija ja runoilija, joka on viime aikoina uskaltautunut eroottisen kirjallisuuden pariin hyvin menestyksekkäästi.

  1. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    De Sterrenbeeldenserie: erotische korte verhalen voor Vissen

    Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Chrystelle LeRoy, Nicole Löv, Marguerite Nousville, Olrik

  2. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Stjernetegn – 7 erotiske noveller til Fiskene

    Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Chrystelle LeRoy, Nicole Löv, Marie Metso, Marguerite Nousville, Olrik

  3. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Tähtimerkit-sarja: 10 eroottista tarinaa kaloille

    Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund, Nicole Löv, Marie Metso, Marguerite Nousville, Olrik, Vanessa Salt, Saga Stigsdotter

  4. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Pisces

    Amanda Backman, Julie Jones, Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund, Nicole Löv, Marie Metso, Marguerite Nousville, Olrik, Vanessa Salt, Saga Stigsdotter

  5. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    La série du zodiaque : nouvelles érotiques sous le signe des Poissons

    Julie Jones, Chrystelle LeRoy, Nicole Löv, Erika Svensson

  6. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Blijf bij mij: 10 Erotische korte verhalen

    Sofia Fritzson, Tara Kuypers, Nicole Löv, Sarah Schmidt, Emma Silver, Alexandra Södergran

  7. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Intimo, Intenso & Inebriante: una raccolta di racconti erotici per ogni genere di stato d'animo

    Amanda Backman, Anita Bang, Black Chanterelle, Malin Edholm, B. J. Hermansson, Julie Jones, Nicolas Lemarin, Chrystelle LeRoy, Lea Lind, Elena Lund, Nicole Löv, Beatrice Nielsen, Sandra Norrbin, Victoria Październy, Vanessa Salt, SheWolf, Sarah Skov, Saga Stigsdotter, Erika Svensson, Alexandra Södergran

  8. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    P is for Pussy worship - 10 Erotic Short Stories

    Malva B., Anita Bang, Andrea Hansen, Nicolas Lemarin, Nicole Löv, Beatrice Nielsen, Sarah Skov, Alexandra Södergran

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    Dripping: A Collection of Erotica for a Rainy Autumn Day on the Couch with a Blanket

    Amanda Backman, Sofia Fritzson, Nicolas Lemarin, Lea Lind, Nicole Löv, Beatrice Nielsen, Vanessa Salt, Saga Stigsdotter, Alexandra Södergran, Lisa Vild

  10. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Gocciolante: una raccolta di racconti erotici per un giorno autunnale piovoso

    Amanda Backman, Sofia Fritzson, Flora W. Green, Lea Lind, Alicia Luz, Nicole Löv, Marie Metso, Vanessa Salt, SheWolf, Lisa Vild

  11. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Intimo: storie erotiche per quando ti senti triste

    Amanda Backman, B. J. Hermansson, Chrystelle LeRoy, Lea Lind, Nicole Löv, SheWolf, Sarah Skov, Katja Slonawski, Saga Stigsdotter, Alexandra Södergran

  12. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Intimo: Erotic Stories for When You Feel Sad

    Amanda Backman, Kristiane Hauer, B. J. Hermansson, Lea Lind, Nicole Löv, Sarah Skov, Saga Stigsdotter, Alexandra Södergran, Christina Tempest

  1. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Se busca obrero - parte 1

    Christina Tempest

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    Drømmerejser 1: Sol og surf på Sal

    Lise Bidstrup, Anna Bridgwater

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    L'hotel di ghiaccio 3: Chiavi di ghiaccio - breve racconto erotico

    Vanessa Salt

  4. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    L'hotel di ghiaccio 4: Canti di gelo e di vapore - breve racconto erotico

    Vanessa Salt

  5. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Todo incluído - Confesiones de un escort parte 7

    Vanessa Salt

  6. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    All Inclusive – Seuralaisen Tunnustuksia 9

    Vanessa Salt

  7. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Karnak: bisbigli faraonici - Racconto erotico

    Vanessa Salt

  8. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Adults only: 4 erotische verhalen vol lust en verlangen

    Camille Bech, Andrea Hansen, Elena Lund

  9. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Il giorno di San Valentino: Passione in Paradiso - breve racconto erotico

    Malin Edholm

  10. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Bollevenner: Set med Jacks øjne - erotisk novelle

    Julie Jones

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    Kielletyt paikat: Hammaslääkärin tuolissa – eroottinen novelli

    Vanessa Salt

  12. Some covers are only visible when logged in

    Adults only: 14 pikante erotische verhalen

    Fabien Dumaître, Malin Edholm, B. J. Hermansson, Chrystelle LeRoy, Elena Lund, Alicia Luz, Katja Slonawski, Lisa Vild
