The Reichsbürger movement is – at least in terms of public awareness – a rather recent political phenomenon, even though its roots go back at least as far as the 1970s. This volume is the first to focus on the linguistic specifics of the Reichsbürger movement. Adopting a politolinguistic perspective, it analyses the peculiarities and strategies evident in the self-presentation and, especially, in the propaganda of the Reichsbürger. Central aspects of the Reichsbürger worldview are analysed and deconstructed with regard to their linguistic representation. These include, for instance, messages relating to violence, war discourses, conspiracy theories and pseudo-religious references, which are used in the scene to justify their fundamental rejection of the social and political reality of the Federal Republic of Germany. The study pays particular attention to the linguistic expression of Reichsbürger identity, not only looking at the self-presentation of Reichsbürger, but also at how and with which linguistic means they attempt to obstruct state institutions and representatives.
Diachronic Interpretation of the Nostratic Macrofamily : A Comparative Study of Altaic, Afro-Asiatic, Dravidian, Eskimo-Aleut, Indo-European, Kartvelian, and Uralic Proto-Languages
Yan Kapranov, Bożena Iwanowska, Bolesław Cieślik
bookPrinciples of Constructing Microstructures in Etymological References : Perspectives on Modelling the Structure of Etymons
Yan Kapranov, Bożena Iwanowska, Bolesław Cieślik
bookLinguistic Representations of the Conceptual Sphere of the American South in Literary Translation : Strategies and Tactics for Rendering Ethnoculturally Marked Concepts from English into Ukrainian
Nataliia Holubenko, Bożena Iwanowska, Yan Kapranov
bookNative Language in the 21st Century : System, Communication Practices and Education