Søren Hauges grundbog i menneskelig vækst - baseret på et holistisk livssyn. I bogen giver han et grundigt perspektiv på menneskelig udvikling, og på hvordan en moderne forståelse af spirituel energi kan kobles til ældgamle indsigter på en vedkommende og aktuel måde.
Selvopdagelsens kunst
- 147 pages
- 2 books
Søren Hauge
Søren Hauge is a spiritual teacher, coach, and author who has written 17 books in Danish and several in English. He has a master’s degree in the history of ideas and philosophy and an extensive background, with decades of work, in theosophy, holistic psychology, and interreligious work. He is the co-creator of Energy Psychology (the Seven Types) and the SoulFlow Method. Since 2012 he has worked with dedication to unite humanity and the Sidhe. Søren lives in Denmark.
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