
Stretching to Stay Young: Simple Workouts to Keep You Flexible, Energized, and Pain


Sound interesting? The author thinks so too! Listen to Stretching to Stay Young and learn about workouts to stay healthy and flexible.

"Jessica’s ability to translate cutting-edge science into practical information people can use is truly refreshing and much needed when it comes to stretching. I appreciate the multi-modal approach to flexibility training that this book provides, including offering ways in which to modify each of the stretches and movements to allow readers to tailor their stretching experience to meet their unique personal needs and ability levels.” (Cedric Bryant, PhD, FACSM, chief science officer for the American Council on Exercise, ACE)

“Jessica has imbued years of experience as a credentialed yoga teacher of teachers into this approachable, purposeful guide to stretching techniques for readers of all ages. I recommend this thoughtfully-written book from a teacher we can trust, which simplifies flexibility training for almost anyone." (Lawrence Biscontini, MA, movement specialist, author and award-winning international fitness educator)

“I’ve worked with Jessica as a peer, colleague and friend over the past 10 years. Her knowledge, creative mind and dedication to the world of health and fitness are just a few of the things I love about her. Her book is worth the read. She lays it all out from the science, to the different techniques and the actual workouts. I will recommend this to anyone who wants to stay injury free, move better, and feel better too!” (Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U and Get Healthy U TV)

“As an avid exercise enthusiast, Jessica has elevated my pre and post workout stretching with her passion and flexible approach to wellness.” (Dan Bouzide, founder and president of WellnessMats)

Narrator: Isabella A. McBride