The Angel Child by Edgar Wallace is a captivating mystery that delves into the life of a seemingly innocent child with a dark and haunting secret. When young Mary, known for her angelic demeanor, arrives in a small village, strange and unsettling events begin to unfold. As the townspeople grapple with the unexplained occurrences, a web of intrigue and suspicion tightens around Mary. Is she the innocent victim of circumstances, or is there something more sinister at play? This gripping tale will keep you guessing as it explores the thin line between innocence and malevolence, leading to a shocking conclusion that will leave you breathless.
The India-Rubber Men
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Avenger
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Angel Child : Short Story
Edgar Wallace
bookMajor Haynes of the Secret Service
Edgar Wallace
bookCaptains Of Souls
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Four Just Men
Edgar Wallace
bookCouncil of Justice
Edgar Wallace
bookClarence Clark, M.P
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Standard History of The War, Vol 4
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Destroyer
Edgar Wallace
bookPeople : Edgar Wallace By Himself
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Angel of Terror
Edgar Wallace