
The legendary trade route


The Legendary Trade Route is a Swedish thrilling historical novel. Since the dawn of time people have used this important trade route. It is a very dangerous trip. Starting from the countryside in VĂ€stergötland to Lödöse, the trading-post, and then the river Göta Älv to the comercial bigger town Gothenburg. Here are smugglers on the river!

The men and the wagons had to travel through the big, wild forest Risveden. Here they could be attacked of the evil highwaymen and often attacked of wild animals as wolves and even bears.

Chief constable Carl Pihl and Nils Karlsson start the hunting of the higwaymen and the robbers in the forest. They soon notice that the traces lead to the upper-class in Gothenburg!

On the river Göta Älv, part of the Legendary Trade Route, mysterious, small cargo-ships are sailing in the dark nights without navigation-lights. Step by step the chief constable Carl Pihl and his men can see a pattern. A lot of stolen goods are on the mystic cargo-ships and a whole robber-family is behind most of the evil things!

Will chief constable Carl Pihl be able to put all pieces together in this big puzzle?

There are evil higwaymen in the big, wild forest and mysterious cargo-ships are travveling on the river in the dark night - all travveling along the "Legendary Trade Route to Lödöse"