
The Red Fairy Book : The Classic Tales of Magic & Fantasy


The Red Fairy Book is the second volume in the Langs' Fairy Books series, and it includes French, Russian, Danish, and Romanian tales as well as traditional stories from Norse mythology.

Table of Contents:

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

The Princess Mayblossom

Soria Moria Castle

The Death of Koshchei the Deathless

The Black Thief and Knight of the Glen

The Master Thief

Brother and Sister

Princess Rosette

The Enchanted Pig

The Norka

The Wonderful Birch

Jack and the Beanstalk

The Little Good Mouse

Graciosa and Percinet

The Three Princesses of Whiteland

The Voice of Death

The Six Sillies

Kari Woodengown


The Ratcatcher

The True History of Little Golden Hood

The Golden Branch

The Three Dwarfs


The Enchanted Canary

The Twelve Brothers


The Nettle Spinner

Farmer Weatherbeard

Mother Holle


Bushy Bride


The Golden Goose

The Seven Foals

The Marvellous Musician

The Story of Sigurd