Many people long to fulfill their creative potential yet don't know how. Using the stream as a metaphor, author David Ulrich takes readers through the full range of creative activity and shows that creativity is accessible to everyone who wishes to nourish and develop their artistic spirit. In Part One, he explores the seven stages of the creative process, from Discovery and Encounter through Responsibility and Release. In Part Two, he discusses the three guiding principles of creativity. Each chapter in Part One includes questions, exercises, and suggestions to help readers achieve each step in the process. The book also includes anecdotes and quotations from many artists, writers, and scientists.
The Widening Stream: The Seven Stages Of Creativity
- 218 pages
- 1 book
David Ulrich
David Ulrich has taught and investigated the creative process for over thirty years. As a photographer and writer, his work has been published in numerous books and journals including Aperture, Parabola, MANOA, and Sierra Club publications. Ulrich’s photographs have been exhibited internationally in over seventy-five one-person and group exhibitions in museums, galleries, and universities, including The Art Institute of Boston and The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts in New Delhi.
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