In this hilarious sequel to the hugely popular Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Sally Stick and her shaggy best friend Fetch discover plenty more mysteries to solve. Like, Is there a beaver loose in the town? Who is the handbag thief? And, most importantly, Why does Uncle Bob's house always smell of biscuits? Somehow, despite the accidents, misunderstandings and general confusion that dog the hapless pair wherever they go, they always get results. And they have a lot of fun along the way!
The Wrong End of the Stick : Stick and Fetch Investigate
- 13 books
Philip Ardagh
At 6ft 7in tall with an impressive beard to match, Philip has been a published author for twenty-eight years; written over a hundred books; and been translated into around forty languages. His awards include the Roald Dahl Funny Prize and Germany’s prestigious Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis. His books range from the best-selling Eddie Dickens series, to the award-winning Grubtown Tales, and The Grunts quartet, illustrated by Axel Scheffler. He is a regular talking-head on TV and radio, discussing the world of children’s books.
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