
Understanding and Healing the Inner Child: How to recognize unresolved conflicts within yourself, get in touch with your inner child, strengthen and heal it to finally blossom in full vitality


Are you said to be a perfectionist? Are you extremely addicted to harmony, do you react to certain conflicts in your relationship with iciness or blind rage? Do you often want to please others until you feel exhausted, does it even go as far as extreme self-sacrifice? Are there always similar situations in which you react unusually emotionally?

These could all be indications that you have suffered from trauma wounds in your childhood that are still waiting to be healed. I would like to invite you on a journey through time. A journey into your past. "Back to the future" would be a fitting motto for this journey, because what you experienced in your earliest childhood has a direct influence on your behavior in the present.

Narrator: Casey Wayman
