
Unexpected : The Step by Step Blueprint My Stay-at-Home Mother Uses to Take Dental Clinics to 7 Figures and Beyond


Thinking about getting more dental implant or invisible aligner cases?

Or just want to increase the credibility of your dental clinic and skyrocket the number of enquiries you get each month?

It is tough to figure everything out on your own when there are 10,000 + videos on YouTube and you don’t know whom to trust. I have good news. In my newest book, Unexpected, I’ll teach you the systems and strategies my stay-at-home mother uses to take dental clinics to 7 figures and beyond, using a 3-step patient acquisition system. I know, because I taught her these strategies.

You’ll learn the proven systems we’ve created for our clients. THIS is the solution to soar your clinic’s revenue.

If you’re ready to experience exponential growth and take your business to a whole new level, then this is the system that will help you do it.

Buy It Now!

Narrator: Jesse Danku