
When Dream and Reality Merge into One


This magical, true and epic story is a wild ride through adventures around the world with explorations of other-dimensional realms and beings. The author’s wisdom gained through decades-long self-experimentations with non-ordinary states of consciousness are integrated in this book that shows how tangible projects such as films and activist movements can readily manifest when we follow our dreams. In this fascinating story, Omananda describes how he lived with indigenous medicine tribes in Mexico, the Huicholes. These ancient medicine cultures have used psychoactive cacti, like the peyote, to pray in sacred ceremonies. The author spent years making films that, together with the combined effort of passionate people, helped to kick out billion dollar Canadian mining companies from Mexico that were in direct violation of the law and a threat to the indigenous cultures. The German-born author and filmmaker transmits what he has learned about the indigenous ways of life.

In the first two books of this series, readers experienced more travel stories and less contemplative content, but in this third part, channeled information appears in periodic intervals and the author gets more philosophical towards the end of the book where he lists easy-to-practice, non-religious, yet powerful, spiritual methods and exercises for personal transformation.

When Dream and Reality Merge into ONE is the continuation of the author’s transcendental journeys. Character names have been changed to protect the individuals' privacy. Everything else remains authentic to the facts as it was experienced.

All books by this author in this series can be found at: www.transcendentaljourneys.com where you can also get the audiobooks, watch related videos, read the author’s blog, and subscribe to the podcast. The publisher’s website is: www.omananda.com

Narrator: Torsten Klimmer
