Satire & Parody

FEAR is outstanding psychological science fiction. As the author says: "There is one thing which I wish the reader could keep in mind throughout, and that is: this story is wholly logical, for all that will appear to the contrary. It is not a very nice story, nor should it be read alone at midnight— for it is true that any man might have the following happen to him. Even you, today, might lose four hours from your life and follow, then, in the course of James Lowry." For hours—and a hat —were missing from James Lowry's life. If he didn't find them, he'd go mad. And if he did, he'd die! With recently discovered final chapter, uncovered from the author's research papers. This edition based on "Fear", Galaxy Science Fiction Novels Number 29, 1954. Published by Galaxy Publishing Company, 421 Hudson Street, New York 14, New York. Written by Horace Hackett under the pen-name of "L. Ron Hubbard." Copyright was issued in 1940, but no registration or renewal was recorded, this work is Public Domain under Rule 6 of the Copyright Statutes of the United States. Cover and added text copyright Midwest Journal Press.