Series • 1 books

The entire "Truth Is Highly Controversial Series" is a colossal blow on the clandestine programme of the kingdom of darkness in perfecting their version of the universal End-Time Agenda. The book of Revelation says God the Father handed the End-Time programme to Jesus, who in turn revealed the same to His servant John. The devil was neither found fit to partake in the unveiling process nor was he told when it will commence. As his manner is (counterfeiter), he has created a prototype of what he assumes will be the End-Time programme via the information gathered from the leaking spots in the Body of Christ as usual. Though Satan does not have the Truth, yet multitudes (majorly members of the Body of Christ) will still be deceived and channeled on the path of destruction with the devils lying programme. This series will expose in entirety Satan's laid down plan to achieve this aim.

This book, (“the Part IV” of this series which is also the “Book I” of a follow-up series) is dedicated to exposing the following global installations

- The basal components of the mark “666”.

- The possibility of getting the mark with or without your express bargain.

- How to get the mark and how to stay clear of it.

- Facebook Exposed.

- The hidden Truth behind globalization

- The clandestine programme of Social Network Providers.

- The position of Facebook in the structure of the End-Time agenda.

- How many already has the mark of the beast, etc.

The devil has posited authors on the Internet who derive pleasure and ultimate satisfaction in feeding the various search engines with false and erroneous information to cause a deviation from the truth. Therefore beware, there is indeed no moral gumption in the materials you see on the internet. The only way to discern the truth, is simply to contact Mr. Truth – Jesus (via His Word). And the website or search engine through which these truths can be harvested, is via the Holy Spirit (via His Word). It is He whom Jesus told us about . . . So be on your guard! I've told you these things before they happen."

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