"The Beautiful Suit" or "A Moonlight Fable" is a short story by H. G. Wells, originally published under the title "A Moonlight Fable" in the April 10, 1909, number of Collier's Weekly. Written in the manner of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, the story features but two characters: an unnamed "little man", and his mother. The mother has made "a beautiful suit of clothes" for the man, who takes inordinate delight in this possession.
Tales of Space and Time (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookAn Englishman Looks at the World (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe American Population (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Valley of Spiders (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThoughts on Cheapness and My Aunt Charlotte (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Flying Man (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookNew Worlds for Old (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Jilting of Jane (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Normal Social Life (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Cone (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Purple Pileus (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells