
Binge Eating : Learn How to Use Fasting and Dieting to Lose Weight Faster

Livre audio

This is a 2-book bundle, consisting of these books:

Book 1: Is it worth it to do some intermittent fasting to cleanse your body or lose belly fat?

Yes, it is.

But why?

That is just one of the many things that will be explained in this book. It can set you on the path to better sleep, autophagy (that term will be clarified), and healthier nutrition. Aside from this, we will discuss the many mistakes people make when they start a diet or begin their fasting period, as well as other tips you should know about.

Book 2: Is there more involved in such an addiction?

And what about chocolate? Is that a distinct case?

Do men and women both binge eating in equal numbers?

Find out why so many people are confronted with their binge eating habits. Learn why it is possible to stop, and even more so, exactly how to do it.