
Dark Psychology : Playing the Manipulation and Persuasion Game the Right Way

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As we all know, people use manipulation techniques on each other all the time. The trick, and the big SECRET of life, is how to see through the massively dominant psychology people use intentionally or unintentionally to make people do something. Lies, scams, and deception are everywhere, and in this book, we try to expose some of that.

We will discuss, in-depth, what goes on in society, and what is behind all that.

Aside from that, subtopics include the following:

The emotion of jealousy

Borderline personality disorder

Rivalry and sexual jealousy

How to flirt and seduce



Deception tactics

How to see different perspectives



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Lies and their psychology




The Drama Triangle

These are just a few of them. There is so much more. This 200+ page book will give you so much useful information that it would be better for you to start right away.

Narration : K.M. Logan
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