In this brilliant work, the most influential philosopher since Sartre suggests that such vaunted reforms as the abolition of torture and the emergence of the modern penitentiary have merely shifted the focus of punishment from the prisoner's body to his soul.
The Order of Things : An Archaeology of the Human Sciences
Michel Foucault
audiobookThe Archaeology of Knowledge : And the Discourse on Language
Michel Foucault
audiobookLa cuestión antropológica : Una historia de la pregunta por el hombre. Curso de 1954-1955
Michel Foucault
bookConfessions of the Flesh
Michel Foucault
audiobookThe Care of the Self
Michel Foucault
audiobookThe Use of Pleasure
Michel Foucault
audiobookAnthologie sonore des philosophes français du XXe siècle
Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Foucault, Henri Bergson, Vladimir Jankélévitch, Louis Althusser, Gaston Bachelard, Emmanuel Levinas, Maurice Merleau-Ponty
audiobookLudwing Binswanger y el análisis existencial : Un enfoque filosófico de la enfermedad mental
Michel Foucault
bookAnthologie sonore de la pensée française du XXe siècle : Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Lévinas, Jankélévitch, Foucault, Deleuze, Desanti, Corbin, Bergson, Aron, Althusser
Henry Corbin, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Gabriel Marcel, Jean-François Lyotard, Emmanuel Levinas, Alexandre Koyré, Vladimir Jankélévitch, Étienne Gilson, Michel Foucault, Jean-Toussaint Desanti, Gilles Deleuze, François Châtelet, Michel de Certeau, Georges Canguilhem, Henri Bergson, Gaston Bachelard, Raymond Aron, Louis Althusser
audiobookLa verdad y las formas jurídicas
Michel Foucault
bookLa sexualidad - seguido de El discurso de la sexualidad : Cursos en Clermont-Ferrand (1964) y Vincennes (1969)
Michel Foucault
bookObrar mal, decir la verdad : La función de la confesión en la justicia. Curso de Lovaina
Michel Foucault