
Fallacies of Evolution

Livre numérique

Great difficulty is being experienced in finding text books in science that are free from the unscriptural teaching of evolution, or the descent of the species. This is especially true of text books on biological subjects. The baneful effect on the minds and lives of students who receive their training in science from such textbooks is very apparent. That there is no conflict between true science and the Scriptural account of the Creation and the condition and development of both animal and vegetable life is conceded by many of the best scientists and theologians—in fact it is the only position allowable to those who accept the inspiration and inerrancy of the Word of God.

The conviction that the Bible account can be fully established by scientific facts, and the great need of teaching the harmony between the Bible record and scientific investigation gave rise to the contents of this little volume.

These three lectures were given before the student body during the Special Bible Term of Hesston Academy and Bible School in the month of January, 1916, and published in the Gospel Herald soon after. Calls for the lectures in permanent form came from various sources, both educational and theological, from the home and the institutions of learning, and the author was persuaded to arrange his work for publication in book form.

The treatise has a place as a reference work for students in both scientific and theological study. Its bibliography alone is of great value. Moreover, it provides interesting and instructive reading for the home and the library. Its mission is to establish and confirm the student in the faith of the truth of the Bible along the line that it is most frequently attacked by scholars and ripened intellectuality, and at the same time give correct information on questions of science relative to life and its development. May the perusal of its pages and the study of its teachings tend to magnify Him who originates, designs and controls the destiny of all life mortal and immortal.