

Livre numérique

In this book, Pastor Mfula deals with issues of life pertaining to the power behind forgiveness. Forgiveness may look insignificant to you, but that is the backbone of Christianity. It is the very core element or entity behind our salvation in Christ Jesus. If your sins are not forgiven, then you won’t make it to Heaven, no matter how hard you try. However, thank God our sins are already forgiven in Christ Jesus, hence we are safe in Him (Psalm 103:8-12).

Further, in this book, we will look at forgiveness as our responsibility in Christ Jesus. It is one thing to talk about God’s forgiveness and another to walk in it. We are called to walk in forgiveness, no matter our opinion or theology. Harbouring unforgiveness or bitterness in your heart is not God’s will. Unforgiveness will always drain life out of you and will lead you into satanic bondage. Unforgiveness has no value, voice, or place in Heaven. So stay away from it!

Get this book and discover the reason forgiveness is not an option, but a must in your life. May God bless you beyond measure!!