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What we do for a living has a massive impact on our life. Our job affects the people we associate with, the way we see the world as well as our financial security and social status.

Many people know that they want to change their career situation. But they often don’t know what steps to take to work their way up into a better job. As a result, they find themselves feeling ‘stuck’.

So if you’re feeling stuck with your career situation, let me ask you this, think of people who have worked their way higher up than where you are currently stuck at. In all honesty, are they actually more intelligent or capable than you are? Realistically, is there anything they can do that you are unable to learn?

Let me assure you, that unless you have some kind of intellectual disability, then the answer is most definitely ‘no’. I am in the business of human potential, and what I see time and time again, is that the mistake people make is to look to their past limitations when determining their future potential. You may not have had the success that these people have had in the past, but there is nothing that you cannot learn to do. You just need to know the steps and, most importantly, the unspoken rules.

Narration : Shane Cuthbert
Durée :