
How I Beat My Stage 4 Cancer & Paralysis in Six Months’ Time the Natural Way

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As the title suggests: “How I Beat My Stage 4 Cancer & Paralysis in 6 Months’ Time the Natural Way,” this book is about how I battled my stage 4 cancer of the prostate, my metastatic cancer in the spine, and my paraplegia or paralysis of the lower limbs victoriously—at the fastest time at almost no cost at all.

My paralysis was caused by a tumor in my spine, which in turn was caused by my stage 4 cancer of the prostate.

Right after the removal of the tumor in my spine through surgery, I embarked on the natural way of healing it. In 6 months’ time, I was able to walk again and totally beat the cancer.

The book will detail to you everything you want to know on why cancer started in the first place and how to lick it—with no use of any drug, supplement or anything medical. Neither does it use any herbal medicine which I don’t believe any of it at all.

The treatment I used to cure my cancer and paralysis is so unique that I believe I am the only in the whole world who is using it.

Happy reading!