In the fifth volume of the In Those Days: Collected Writings on Arctic History series, Kenn Harper shares tales of European explorers who came to the Arctic seeking adventure, riches, and the elusive Northwest Passage, and Inuit they encountered there. Inuit were invaluable in adding to Western knowledge of the Arctic, serving as guides, clothing-makers, and interpreters. But not every meeting was friendly. This collection sheds light on Inuit who played a pivotal role in the expeditions of some of the most famous Arctic explorers, including the unfortunate John Franklin. This volume also includes dozens of rare, historical photographs.
Give Me Winter, Give Me Dogs : Knud Rasmussen and the Fifth Thule Expedition
Kenn Harper
bookIn Those Days: Shamans, Spirits, and Faith in the Inuit North : Shamans, Spirits, and Faith in the Inuit North
Kenn Harper
bookIn Those Days: Tales of Arctic Whaling : Tales of Arctic Whaling
Kenn Harper
bookIn Those Days: Arctic Crime and Punishment : Arctic Crime and Punishment
Kenn Harper
bookIn Those Days: Inuit Lives : Inuit Lives
Kenn Harper
bookGiv mig min far - Beretningen om New York-eskimoen Minik
Kenn Harper
In Those Days: Inuit Lives : Inuit Lives
Kenn Harper
bookIn Those Days: Arctic Crime and Punishment : Arctic Crime and Punishment
Kenn Harper
bookIn Those Days: Tales of Arctic Whaling : Tales of Arctic Whaling
Kenn Harper
bookIn Those Days: Shamans, Spirits, and Faith in the Inuit North : Shamans, Spirits, and Faith in the Inuit North
Kenn Harper