
Know How No Game

Livre numérique

This book actually discusses the evolution of gaining the ultimate Know How of the Game of Poker. It talks about the evolution from a recreational player, live and online, to GTO equation and applying that intuitively to a point were you successfully profit financially to a point were you no longer need to play the Game of Poker at all. The evolution equation from start to finish is basically, gaining a Know How in order to profit to then come to the conclusion to no longer Play...

... This book explains why even the most successful Poker Players known in today's game won't develop to the final stage of the Poker Game, The "No Game" Stage.

Learning the Rules

Playing the Game

Investing Stage

Time/Money Stage

Recreational Player Stage

Gaining Know How Stage

Position in Poker

Hand Ranges

Preflop Game

Betting Game

Postflop Game

Live Game/Online Game


GTO Stage

Intuitive GTO Stage

Profit Stage

No Game Stage