
National Ballot Measures 2024 : Living Democracy

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The next amendment to the U.S. Constitution will enable anyone to put their proposed law on the Federal Ballot - A Real Democracy at last!

The founding fathers of this nation assembled it during the horse-and-buggy era, a time without telephones, electricity, or the Internet. Thus, they granted us as much democracy as the technology of their time permitted, which was minimal, and they left room for numerous flaws that have since transformed the original concept into a tyranny dominated by two narrow-minded factions.

This book presents itself as the remedy to these outdated mistakes. In the modern era, with the Internet at our disposal, we have the opportunity and the means to VOTE ONLINE and to cast our votes on National Ballot Measures.

We can and we will get this country back as the greatest country in the history of the world, but only if we start down the right path NOW and this can happen only with your support.