Before us in the bright spring sunshine lay the entire Clyde valley, dominated by the vast sprawling mass of Glasgow, the dear green place. There was a time no too long ago when the old heavy industries would have made this view much less clear. But today we could see the Cowal Hills and Greenock in the west to the Pentlands in the East. 'From the time he bagged his first Munro, Peter Kemp has remained an enthusiastic hillawalker and this book is a testament to his passion for Scotland's outdoors and hillwalking culture. REVIEW: Kemp's narrative is amusing and not without insight into the ludicrous nature of some of the altercations… Kemp is an engaging storyteller and has some good stories to tell… This is a great wee book. THE ANGRY CORRIE
Peter Kemp
audiobookUngdomsoprørets filosofi
Peter Kemp
bookTeologi og videnskab
Peter Kemp
bookNyt lys over Marx
Peter Kemp
bookNye franske filosoffer 1940-1970
Peter Kemp
bookFilosofiske portrætter
Peter Kemp
bookMarxismen i Frankrig
Peter Kemp
bookLøgnen om dannelse : Opgør med halvdannelsen
Peter Kemp
bookKlimabevidsthedens barrierer
Peter Kemp, Lisbeth Witthøfft Nielsen
bookFilosofiens verden : Kritik - Etik - Pædagogik - Religion
Peter Kemp