This unique thriller collection contains the 24 short vintage crime stories – a complete series featuring Police Constable Lee of the London „D” Division, written by the great Edgar Wallace. P.-C. Lee is a typical Wallace character, full of wit and charm. A number of these were reprinted in Ideas in 1928-1929 and in other magazines. Nine of the P.-C. Lee stories were later included in the 1961 collection „The Undisclosed Client and Other Stories”. Written by prolific writer Edgar Wallace, creator of J. G. Reeder, and a dozen more characters in his dozens of books and hundreds of short stories, his publishers once claimed that a quarter of all books then read (in the 1910-1920’s) in England were written by him.
Tam o' the Scoots
Edgar Wallace
bookThose Folk of Bulboro
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Joker
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Murder Book of J. G. Reeder
Edgar Wallace
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Keepers of the King's Peace
Edgar Wallace
bookBlue Hand
Edgar Wallace
bookRoom 13
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Man at the Carlton
Edgar Wallace
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Strange Countess
Edgar Wallace
bookLieutenant Bones
Edgar Wallace