Leaving her beloved, adopted home to begin life anew, Sally Murphy-George searches for refuge from depression, rejection, and her husband's murderer. A proficient bakery owner and mother of two, Sally vows to find stability in her life, protect her family, and shield her heart at all costs. Self-exiled, Nate Horner finds peace in his new life as Sheriff of Barnhill, defending those who overlook his shadowed past and accept him as the reliable, honest man he's become. Promising never to allow another woman to hurt his soul, Nate resigns himself to a life of celibacy, until he reunites with someone from his hometown, the Widow George. As a man, he struggles with his desires for her. As a professional, he must protect her. Circumstance pushes Sally and Nate's paths together and they must decide to risk their hearts and their security to take another chance at love.
Sally Murphy
Auteur(e) :
Format :
Durée :
- 123 pages
Langue :