
Selling The Message : How to speak with Passion and Enthusiasm

Livre audio

In today’s corporate world, and in politics, people with the ability to captivate and persuade those audiences they speak to, usually find themselves recognized at a high level and in great demand.

While their audiences may range from just a single client in a sales presentation to a fully-packed stadium at a political rally, the techniques used by all successful presenters have a common theme.

Brad Smart’s audiobook, Selling The Message, reveals the secrets of using passion and enthusiasm to make sure you get your key messages across effectively.

In this audiobook you’ll discover:-

- How to control annoying nerves before any presentation

- How to engage your audience using body movement, eye contact and a smile

- How to prepare and structure your presentations

- How to add drama to your presentation by using strong openers & closers

- How to use your voice to generate personal credibility

- How to properly use visual support material for maximum effect

- How to enhance your authority

Brad has been a radio and television journalist, a film director and a performance coach for over 40 years.

He has mentored and prepared many corporate leaders, politicians and senior public servants on how to engage with their audiences and bring their presentations to life.

In this audiobook, you’ll discover how to unlock those special talents that lie within you, and that right now, you may be reluctant to use.

As you begin to master and use these skills, you’ll be seen as someone who can represent your organization and be counted on to ‘sell the message.’

You’ll find being an effective communicator is a positive career move.

Narration : Brad Smart
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