The Art of Aubrey Beardsley is a study about English artist and illustrator Aubrey Beardsley, written by British editor and critic Arthur Symons. The book includes biographical essay and numerous illustrations by the artist. Beardsley's drawings in black ink, influenced by the style of Japanese woodcuts, emphasized the grotesque, the decadent, and the erotic. He was a leading figure in the aesthetic movement which also included Oscar Wilde and James McNeill Whistler.
The Art of Aubrey Beardsley
Arthur Symons
bookFigures of Several Centuries
Arthur Symons
bookSpiritual Adventures
Arthur Symons
bookThe Symbolist Movement in Literature
Arthur Symons
bookThe Art of Aubrey Beardsley
Arthur Symons
bookThe Symbolist Movement in Literature
Arthur Symons
bookThe Symbolist Movement in Literature
Arthur Symons