e-artnow presents to you "The Collected Works of Edwin Arnold: Buddhism & Hinduism Writings, Poetical Works & Plays" formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Table of Contents: The Essence of Buddhism Hindu Literature: Comprising The Book of good counsels, Nala and Damayanti Death--And Afterwards The Light of Asia Indian Poetry The Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita (from the Mahâbhârata) Light of the World; or, The Great Consummation Potiphar's Wife Adzuma; or, The Japanese Wife Sir Edwin Arnold (1832-1904) was an English poet and journalist, who is most known for his work, The Light of Asia. The literary task which he set before him was the interpretation in English verse of the life and philosophy of the East. His chief work with this object is The Light of Asia, which was translated into various languages such as Hindi. The Light of Asia, subtitled The Great Renunciation, is in a form of a narrative poem. The book endeavors to describe the life and time of Prince Gautama Siddhartha, who after attaining enlightenment became The Buddha, The Awakened One. The book presents his life, character, and philosophy, in a series of verses. It is a free adaptation of the Lalitavistara. A few decades before the book's publication, very little was known outside Asia about the Buddha and Buddhism, the religion which he founded, and which had existed for about twenty-five centuries. Arnold's book was one of the first successful attempts to popularize Buddhism for a Western readership.
Buddhism & Hinduism Premium Collection: The Light of Asia + The Essence of Buddhism + The Song Celestial (Bhagavad-Gita) + Hindu Literature + Indian Poetry (Unabridged): Religious Studies, Spiritual Poems & Sacred Writings
Edwin Arnold
bookThe Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita: Discourse Between Arjuna, Prince of India, and the Supreme Being Under the Form of Krishna : Timeless Wisdom and Spiritual Insights
Edwin Arnold
bookThe Collected Works of Edwin Arnold: Buddhism & Hinduism Writings, Poetical Works & Plays : The Essence of Buddhism, Light of the World, The Light of Asia, The Song Celestial
Edwin Arnold
bookThe Collected Works of Edwin Arnold: Buddhism & Hinduism Writings, Poetical Works & Plays : The Essence of Buddhism, Light of the World, The Light of Asia, The Song Celestial
Edwin Arnold
bookBuddhism & Hinduism - Premium Collection : The Light of Asia + The Essence of Buddhism + The Song Celestial (Bhagavad-Gita) + Hindu Literature…
Edwin Arnold
bookThe Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita
Edwin Arnold
bookCollected Works On Buddhism and Hinduism
Edwin Arnold
bookThe Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita
Edwin Arnold
bookBuddhism & Hinduism - Premium Collection : The Light of Asia + The Essence of Buddhism + The Song Celestial (Bhagavad-Gita) + Hindu Literature + Sacred Writings
Edwin Arnold
bookThe Bhagavad Gita
Edwin Arnold
bookIndian Idylls
Edwin Arnold