The Destroyer by Edgar Wallace is a thrilling narrative that explores the dark side of power and ambition. Set against the backdrop of a city on the brink of chaos, the story follows a mysterious figure known only as "The Destroyer," whose presence strikes fear into the hearts of both the innocent and the guilty. As a series of catastrophic events unfold, a determined detective races against time to unmask this enigmatic menace and stop the destruction before it's too late. With lives hanging in the balance and the city's future uncertain, every choice could lead to salvation—or total annihilation. Immerse yourself in this electrifying tale where suspense and danger lurk around every corner.
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Edgar Wallace
bookHalley's Comet : The Cowboy and Lord Dorrington
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bookCaptains Of Souls
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Destroyer
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Despatch Rider
Edgar Wallace
bookPeople : Edgar Wallace By Himself
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Angel of Terror
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Strange Lapses of Larry Loman
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Avenger
Edgar Wallace
Edgar Wallace
bookNumber Six
Edgar Wallace