
The Empire and the Papacy, 918-1273: Investiture Contest, Crusades & The Famous Conflicts

Livre numérique

The book 'The Empire and the Papacy, 918-1273' contains the detailed political and ecclesiastical history of papacy in relationship with the chief states of southern and western Europe, in particular Germany, Italy, France, and the eastern empire. The author has discussed the expansion of the Latin and Catholic world and the development of the ecclesiastical system as these pertain to political history.Contents:


The Saxon Kings of the Germans, and the Revival of the Roman Empire by Otto I

The German Empire at the Height of its Power. The later Saxon and early Salian Emperors

France and its Vassal States under the last Carolingians and the early Capetians

The Cluniac Reformation, and Italy in the Eleventh Century, The Investiture Contest

The Eastern Empire and theSeljukian Turks

The Early Crusades and the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem

The Monastic Movement and the Twelfth Century Renascence

Germany and Italy

Frederick Barbarossa and Alexander III. The renewed Conflict between Papacy and Empire

France, Normandy, and Anjou, and the Beginnings of the Greatness of the Capetian Monarchy

The Third Crusade and the Reign of Henry VI

Europe in the days of Innocent III

The Byzantine Empire in the Twelfth Century; the Fourth Crusade, and the Latin Empire in the East

Frederick II and the Papacy

France under Philip Augustus and St. Louis

The Universities and the Friars

The Last Crusades and the East in the Thirteenth Century

The Growth of Christian Spain

The Fall of the Hohenstaufen and the Great Interregnum