Louis XVIII has once again returned to power and the emigres are returing to France to reclaim the lands and fortunes they had relinquished. The Duc de Sairmeuse is returning to his tiny hamlet where the now widowed Lacheneur has been managing his estate for twenty years, so long that he is currently living in the chateau as owner. The duke is a snobbish tyrant of the old school and mortally offends the good Lacheneur who leaves the estate with only his daughter, not even allowing her to collect her clothing and other belongings. The duke's son, Martial, is very attracted to Lacheneur's daughter, Marie-Anne, who is secretly engaged to a baron's son, Maurice.
100 classic detectives. Golden Age of Detective Fiction. Illustrated : The Gold-Bug, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Innocence of Father Brown, Crime and Punishment and others
Wilkie Collins, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, G. K. Chesterton, Emile Gaboriau, E. W. Hornung, M. McDonnell Bodkin, Guy Boothby, Jacques Futrelle, Melville Davisson Post, Ethel Lina White, Emmuska Orczy, Edgar Wallace, Algernon Blackwood, Maurice Leblanc, Gaston Leroux, Anna Katherine Green, Fergus Hume, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dorothy L. Sayers, R. Austin Freeman
bookMonsieur Lecoq
Emile Gaboriau
bookLa Corde au cou
Emile Gaboriau
bookLa Dégringolade
Emile Gaboriau
bookLe Petit Vieux des Batignolles
Emile Gaboriau
bookL'Argent des autres
Emile Gaboriau
bookLa Dégringolade
Emile Gaboriau
bookLes Esclaves de Paris
Emile Gaboriau
bookL'Argent des autres
Emile Gaboriau
bookLes Esclaves de Paris
Emile Gaboriau
bookLa Clique dorée
Emile Gaboriau
bookLa Dégringolade
Emile Gaboriau