
The Inconvenient Goddess : A Katie Reynolds Adventure

Livre audio

Ištar, a voluptuous winged goddess with lions on either side and an eight-pointed star above, ruled the Cradle of Civilization for thousands of years. The ancients believe this goddess has come to earth when modern-day veterinarian Katie Reynolds is blown back in time and appears in Ištar's temple. Broken and bleeding, Katie is found unconscious inside a Mesopotamian temple three-thousand years ago. Wrapped in a mysterious blue plastic tarp and wearing an out-of-this-world blue vinyl United Nations jacket with white lettering and white plastic zipper, the ancients are even more astounded when they find a holy thing has been expelled from Ishtar's womb. It is Katie's birth control device from the 21st century. This foreign object can only be a talisman, sent to protect the goddess on her earthly journey.

Narration : Mary Macgregor
Durée :