"The Lagoon" is a short story by Joseph Conrad composed in 1896 and first published in Cornhill Magazine in 1897. The story is about a white man, referred to as "Tuan", who is travelling through an Indonesian rainforest and is forced to stop for the night with a distant Malay friend named Arsat. Upon arriving, he finds Arsat distraught, for his lover is dying. Arsat tells the distant and rather silent white man a story of his past.
Selected Joseph Conrad
Joseph Conrad
bookEl corazón de las tinieblas "Heart of Darkness"
Joseph Conrad
audiobookEl agente secreto "The Secret Agent"
Joseph Conrad
audiobookLes Enfants de la Mer (Le Nègre du Narcisse) : Roman bilingue
Joseph Conrad
bookContes d'Inquiétude : Recueil bilingue
Joseph Conrad
bookUn Paria des Îles : Roman bilingue
Joseph Conrad
bookLa Folie d'Almayer : Roman bilingue
Joseph Conrad
bookEl corazón de las tinieblas : Un viaje al abismo de la naturaleza humana y el imperialismo. Nueva Traducción
Joseph Conrad
bookAu cœur des ténèbres :
Joseph Conrad
audiobookLa Rescousse
Joseph Conrad
bookCorazón de las tinieblas : (y Cuadernos del Congo)
Joseph Conrad
bookThe End of the Tether
Joseph Conrad