
The Origin of the Red Cross: "Un souvenir de Solferino"

Livre numérique

In his iconic work, The Origin of the Red Cross: "Un souvenir de Solferino", Henry Dunant details his experience during the Battle of Solferino and the founding of the Red Cross organization. Written in a narrative style, Dunant vividly describes the horrors of war and the humanitarian efforts that emerged from it, highlighting the need for neutrality and compassion. This book serves as a crucial historical document, shedding light on the origins of the Red Cross and the impact of Dunant's work on the field of humanitarian aid. It also reflects the literary context of the time, with its emphasis on social reform and human rights. Henry Dunant's eloquent prose and powerful storytelling make this book a captivating read for anyone interested in the history of humanitarianism and the Red Cross. Recommended for history buffs, humanitarians, and those interested in the legacy of Henry Dunant.