Is the world predictable? Can we manage economic risks by using standards and indicators? Hardly any bank that got into the red in the aftermath of the US real estate crisis, was there without a differentiated quality management system. The book by Dr. Bettina Warzecha shows how quality management can not only reduce the quality of services and products of all kinds. With the help of quality management the way is open to a variety of possibilities to burn organizational knowledge, to waste employee competences, to drive away customers, to notch up financial losses, and to block the ability of management to make decisions in the long run. The author, who also taught this subject at the University of Göttingen, Germany, takes the reader on a journey to the epistemological roots of human thinking and pondering, which are probably not ignored as thoroughly and completely in any other subject area than in quality management.
Philosophy in Practice
The Problem with Quality Management
Auteur(e) :
Série :
- Tome 1 dans Philosophy in Practice
Format :
Durée :
- 111 pages
Langue :