Written by Scottish-Canadian author John Buchan (The Thirty-Nine Steps), The Runagates Club is a collection of twelve short stories focusing on members of the eponymous London dining society.
The stories include:
The Green Wildebeest: Sir Richard Hannay’s Story The Frying Pan and the Fire: The Duke of Burminster’s Story Dr Lartius: Mr Palliser-Yeates’s Story The Wind in the Portico: Mr. Henry Nightingale's Story ’Divus’ Johnston: Lord Lamancha's Story The Loathly Opposite: Major Oliver Pugh's Story Sing a Song of Sixpence: Sir Edward Leithen's Story Ship to Tarshish: Mr. Ralph Collatt's Story Skule Skerry: Mr. Anthony Hurrell's Story 'Tendebant Manus': Sir Arthur Warcliffe's Story The Last Crusade: Mr. Francis Martendale's Story Fullcircle: Mr. Martin Peckwether's Story Publisher's Note: The original text of the stories in The Runagates Club may themes and language that represent prejudiced and harmful beliefs regarding race and ethnicity. While these views were never legitimate nor equitable, and do not represent the beliefs or views of the publisher, they were unfortunately commonplace at the time of writing and publication. In the interest of preserving and documenting both the highlights and faults of literary history, this audiobook utilizes the text uncensored and unedited. Please proceed with discretion.