Become self-reliant and prepared: This illustrated edition covers ALL survival skills and techniques that a person can use in order to endure and survive in any type of natural environment and hostile situation. You will easily learn the techniques to provide basic necessities like water, food, and shelter, but even how to protect yourself and fight. This e-book covers all aspects of the survival. It will help you develop your survival skills, as well as the will to survive. It will prepare you for any type of situation, either physical or psychological ordeal while in hostile environment.
Improvised Weapons & Munitions – U.S. Army Ultimate Handbook
U.S. Department of the Army
bookThe Skills of Wilderness Survival - U.S. Army Official Handbook
U.S. Department of the Army
bookImprovised Weapons and Munitions - The Official U.S. Army Manual
U.S. Department of the Army
bookThe Skills of Wilderness Survival - U.S. Army Manual
U.S. Department of the Army
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