
We All Need Care : A Guide for Mothers and Caregivers Small Steps to Get You There Take Back Your Identity and Achieve Your Goals While Performing Loving Service to Others

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Are you a caregiver? Has personal improvement been a theme that constantly runs through your life? Do you find it difficult to stay motivated and on track at times? Have you ever considered setting goals to improve your lifestyle? If these questions strike a familiar chord, it is time to make a substantial change in your life. Setting goals can be a major feat for many, especially for busy moms, single moms, and caregivers. As we navigate life, we can struggle to manage our time and find inspiration to stay on track.

If you relate to this, look no further. This book is here for you:

Envision your long-term goals and divide them into minor, doable chunks Seek self-improvement and strive to achieve it Find ways to stay motivated and spiritually inspired to reach your goals Find inspiration to keep going despite having a hectic schedule Comprehend the authenticity of self-care and ways in which to attain it Explore the domain of self-improvement Discover creative ideas to acquire new skills Manage your time wisely Improve your existing and interpersonal relationships Keep up with your life goals and stay relevant Learn to count your blessings and make the most out of your life Achieve your short and long-term goals by establishing an effective plan This book will help you with each step of this journey to ensure you make real progress. By the end of this practical approach, you will notice a meaningful change in your life perspective and self-esteem.

“A very helpful book for caregivers! Make this book the choice of your next read at your local book club or reading circle”

Invest in this book now, and let’s start your positive journey to care for yourself

Narration : Diedra O'Ree
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