
Weight Loss Made Easy!: 30 Simple Tips For Losing Weight, Burn Fat And Increase Happiness Easily! BONUS: Secret Weight Loss Herbs!

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Weight Loss Made Easy! 30 Simple Tips For Losing Weight, Burn Fat And Increase Happiness Easily! BONUS: Secret Weight Loss Herbs! Do you want to lose weight? Do you want be slim and fit? Do you want to be happy? If that is the case - THIS - audiobook is the right one for you! This simple guide will help you to be slim and happy!

Did you know that according to studies one in 7 premature deaths in Europe and one in 5 in North America could be avoided if the people had a normal weight?

> That does not have to be this way! With the help of scientific knowledge, studies and also well proven experiences you get a step-by-step guide that will help you to lose weight and be happy!

Weight Loss Can Be Fun! You don't believe me? Try it out!

In this audiobook you will learn:

... how to change your habits! ... how to track your success! ... how to create a good goal! ... what to avoid to lose weight! ... the best way to stay motivated! BONUS: In one of the sections I will show you secret herbal remedies that will help you to lose weight easily!


Kevin Kockot is a Master of Arts in Prevention and Health Promotion from Germany. Further more he is a certified stress management trainer and had courses with thousands of people. With his offers he helps people to live a healthy and self-determined life. He is offering online courses and audiobooks on Udemy and Insight Timer as well as 1.1 coaching.

1. Buy this audiobook!

2. Lose weight!

3. Be happy!

Narration : Kevin Kockot
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