Among the main questions relating to the interpretation of popular religiosity phenomena there are those on the usefulness of historical sources (archaeological and documentary) for the purposes of understanding the mythical-ritual present, on the presumed chronological continuity of practices and beliefs and on the legitimacy and effectiveness of historical-comparative method. These questions deserve to be taken up again on the basis of renewed investigations in the face of the now-occurring dissolution of what has been defined as "peasant civilization" and the renewed interest in intangible heritage both by communities in search of identity matrices and cultural memories and by part of the so-called "cultural market". This volume presents important works by Ignazio Buttitta.
Credo iam ut solet iurgabit : Pragmatica della lite a Roma
Federica Iurescia
bookSub palliolo sordido : Studi sulla commedia frammentaria greca e latina - Studies on Greek and Roman Fragmentary Comedies
bookChorodidaskalia : Studi di poesia e performance in onore di Angela Andrisano
bookL'Athenaion Politeia dello Pseudo-Senofonte e il suo tempo : Contesto, lessico e ideologia
Maria Lavinia Porceddu
bookLaughing at domestica facta : Identity construction in mid-Republican Rome through the lens of the togata
Giuseppe Eugenio Rallo
bookLe citazioni di Aristofane nel lessico dell'Antiatticista
Simone Fiori
bookEpicarmo e pseudo-Epicarmo (frr. 240–297) : Introduzione, traduzione e commento
Federico Favi
bookNuove volute di versi : Poesia e musica nella commedia greca di V e IV sec. a.C
bookWhat's in the Past : Symbols, Rituals and Folkloric Imagery in Historical-Comparative Perspective
Ignazio E. Buttitta