A Gar Randolph International Occurrence

Burma oozes greed, corruption, and hope. When an Air Force X-37B mini-space shuttle mysteriously crash lands along the China-Burma border, the Department of Homeland Security tags contractor Gar Randolph to get it back. India and China deploy special-forces to do the same. All will co-exist for the next several weeks. Gar assembles a most unusual team to find the wreckage and carry its Top Secret components back to Siam. Included is the last person on earth the US Government would want on the mission, a drug lord named Ar Phat. On a converging vector is a missionary nutritionist with six Rohingya orphans. Seemingly unrelated initiatives coalesce during a complex scenario that include deception, pursuit, and classic slight-of-hand misdirection. Characters are colorful, impassioned, and bold. The storyline moves quickly as tensions build. Adventure flares at every turn of the page.